por “ROMPEOLAS” a menos que la misma se haya marcado expresamente -como ”PUBLICA” o como "NO CONFIDENC1AL".
(i) Las partes acuerdan que “ROMPEOLAS” podra rescindir ei presente SUBCONTRATO, en adicion a los supuestos de incumplimiento a las obligaciones pactadas en el mismo, bajo el supuesto que “EL SUBCONTRATISTA” se ubique en cualquiera de los supuestos que deriven en la rescision, por el incumplimiento de las obligaciones firmadas en terminos de este SUBCONTRATO;
(ⅱ) Para el caso de rescision por incumplimiento por parte de “EL SUBCONTRATISTA” las partes acuerdan que “ROMPEOLAS” podra dar por terminado el presente SUBCONTRATO sin responsabilidad alguna de su parte, siemprs que el incumplimiento sea debidamente demostrado y documentado, mediante simple notificacion por escrito proporcionada a la primera de las nombradas, con efectos in mediatos y sin que se requiera de resolucion judicial previa o-de-cualquier otra indole;
(ⅲ)Las cans as de rescision imputables directamente a “EL SUBCONTRATISTA” son principlamente:
a) Si en cualquier momento, es deciarado en concurso mercantil, o en estado de insolvencia o solicita o acepta la imposicion de un interventor, liquidador o sindico o cualquiera de estos fuere designado o tome posesion de “EL SUBCONTRATISTA” o de totalidad o una parte substancial de sus pasivos y/o activos, si “EL SUBCONTRATISTA” queda sujeto a un procedimiento de concurso mercantil, disolucion o liquidacion, en cualquier jurisdicci6n o si lleva a cabo o celebra una cesion general de bienes o un acuerdo de entrega de la mayoria de sus bienes en beneficio de acreedores o indique por escrito su intencion de suspender sus operaciones o cualquier parte substancial de ellas, o tomare cualquier acoion o sobreviniere cualquier evento que, en virtud de la legislacion aplicable, tuviera un efecto substancial similar a cuaiquiera de los supuestos anteriores;
b) Que por causas que le sean imputables, no haya terminado el SUMINISTROen todo o en parte, en la fecha pactada y no cumpia con el objeto de este SUBCONTRATO y de las condiciones que de este emanen;
c)Que por causas que le sean imputables, se vea impedida al incio del SUMiNISTRO, materia de este SUBCONTRATO, dentro de los 2 (dos) meses calendario, posteriores a la fecha de inicio del servicio;
d》Que incumpla con aiguna de sus obligaciones pactadas en el presente SUBCONTRATO que afecte cte manera grave el SUMINISTRO o cualquier otro servicio (salvo que ei origen de dicho incumplimiento sea por causas imputables a
by "BREAKWATER" unless it has been marked explicitly - as "Public" or "Not CONFIDENC1AL".NINTH DEClIMA.-termination D£ L SUBCONTRACT. (i) the parties agree that "BREAKWATER" may terminate this ei SUBCONTRACT, in addition to the cases of non-compliance to the obligations stipulated therein, under the assumption that "SUBCONTRACTOR" is located in any of the assumptions that lead to termination, for breach of signed obligations in terms of this SUBCONTRACT;(Ⅱ) in the case of termination for breach by "SUBCONTRACTOR" the parties agree that "BREAKWATER" may give terminate this SUBCONTRACT without liability on its part, siemprs that failure is duly proven and documented, simple by written notice provided to the first of the named, with effects in consequential and without requiring prior judicial resolution or-from-any other measures;(ⅲ) The cans as of termination attributable directly to "SUBCONTRACTOR" are mainly:a) if at any time, it is deciarado in insolvency, or in a State of insolvency requests accepted the imposition of a trustee, liquidator or I trustee or any of these may be appointed or take possession of "SUBCONTRACTOR" or of all or a substantial part of its liabilities or assets, if "SUBCONTRACTOR" is subject to insolvency proceedings , dissolution or liquidation, in any jurisdicci6n or if it carries out or celebrates a general assignment of property or an agreement of delivery of most of its assets for the benefit of creditors or indicate in writing its intention to suspend operations or any substantial part of them, or take any acoion or sobreviniere any event which, under the applicable law It had a substantial effect similar to any of the above assumptions;(b) that causes that they are attributable, not finished the SUMINISTROen whole or in part, on the agreed date and not cumpia with the aim of this SUBCONTRACT and the conditions emanating from this;(c) that causes that they are attributable, look not to the start of the supply, subject of this SUBCONTRACT, within 2 (two) months calendar, subsequent to the date of commencement of the service;d》que breach any of its obligations agreed upon in this SUBCONTRACT affecting cte severely supply or any other service (unless ei origin of such failure is due to causes imputable to)
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
by "ROMPEOLAS" unless it has been explicitly labeled , as "public" or "NO CONFIDENC1AL".
(i) The parties agree that "ROMPEOLAS" ei may terminate this SUBLICENSE, in addition to cases of non - compliance with the obligations agreed therein, under the assumption that "subcontractor" be located in any of the cases that could result in termination for breach of the obligations signed in terms of this subcontract ;
(ⅱ) in the case of termination for default by "subcontractor" the parties agree that "ROMPEOLAS" may terminate this subcontract without responsibility on its part, siemprs that failure is duly demonstrated and documented by Simple written notice given to the first of those named, with in consequential effects and without requiring prior judicial decision or-of-any kind;
(ⅲ) the cans as rescission directly attributable to "subcontractor" are principlamente :
a) If at any time, it is deciarado in bankruptcy or insolvent or solicits or accepts the imposition of a receiver , liquidator or trustee or any of these it be designated or take possession of "subcontractor" or all or a substantial part of its liabilities and / or assets, if "subcontractor" is subject to insolvency proceedings, dissolution or liquidation, in any jurisdicci6n or holds or held a general assignment of goods or an agreement delivery most of its assets for the benefit of creditors or indicate in writing their intention to suspend operations or any substantial part thereof, or shall take any acoion or sobreviniere any event, under applicable law, have a substantial effect similar to cuaiquiera of the above assumptions;
b) for reasons attributable to it, has not completed the SUMINISTROen whole or in part, on the agreed date and not cumpia the purpose of this subcontract and conditions of this emanate;
c) for reasons attributable to it, it is prevented to incio of supply, terms of this subcontract, within 2 (two) calendar months after the date of commencement of service;
d "that fails to comply with aiguna of its obligations agreed in this subcontract cte seriously affect the supply or other service (ei origin unless such failure is due to causes attributable to
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..