El centro proporciona todo el material para las clases, trabajando con firmas profesionales de maquillaje como Stage Line, Ben Nye, Kryolan, Temptu, Laukrom o Grimas y con firmas de cosmética como Mac, Make Up Forever, Estee Laurer, Chanel, entre otras para que aprendas a trabajar con todas las texturas y calidades que ofrece el mercado.
The Center provides all the material for the classes, working with professional firms of makeup as a Stage Line, Ben Nye, Kryolan, Temptu, Laukrom or tears and signatures of cosmetics such as Mac, Estee Laurer, Make Up Forever, Chanel, among others so that you learn to work with all textures and qualities offered by the market.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

The center provides all materials for classes, working with professional firms up as Stage Line, Ben Nye, Kryolan, Temptu, Laukrom or Grimas and cosmetics firms as Mac, Make Up Forever, Estee Laurer, Chanel, among others for you learn to work with all the textures and qualities available on the market.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

The center provides all the material for the classes, Working with professional firms such as Makeup Stage Line, Ben Nye, Kryolan temptu laukrom or Tears, and firms such as Mac Cosmetics, make up Forever, Chanel, Estee Laurer, among others, to learn to work with all textures and qualities offered by the market.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..