En cualquier momento nuestros egresados pueden auditar las clases para refrescar su memoria o reunirse con nuestro director para revisar su cartera. También hemos recibido a varios instructores y conferencistas invitados notables, tales como: Craig Reardon (4 veces ganador del premio Emmy), Ve Neil (3 veces ganadora del Premio Oscar), Kevin Haney (ganador del Oscar), Kazuhiro Tsuji (2 ocasiones del Premionominado al Oscar) , Christien Tinsley (nominada al Oscar), Joel Harlow (ganador del Oscar) y Leonard Engelman, el primer gobernador de la rama de maquillaje de la Junta de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias (director de la Escuela desde 2008 hasta 2010).
At any time our graduates can audit classes to refresh your memory or meet with our director to review his portfolio. We have also received several instructors and lecturers invited notables, such as: Craig Reardon (4 time Emmy Award winner), see Neil (3 time winner of the Academy Award), Kevin Haney (Oscar winner), Kazuhiro Tsuji (2 times of the Premionominado Oscar), Christien Tinsley (Oscar-nominated), Joel Harlow (Oscar winner) and Leonard Engelman, the first Governor of the branch of the makeup of the Board of the Academy of Arts and Sciences (director of the school since 2008 until 2010).
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

At any time our graduates can audit classes to refresh your memory or meet with our principal to review your portfolio. We also received several instructors and guest lecturers notables such as: Craig Reardon (4 times Emmy winner), Ve Neil (3 times winner of the Oscar Award), Kevin Haney (Oscar winner), Kazuhiro Tsuji (2 occasions Premionominado Oscar), Christien Tinsley (nominated for an Oscar), Joel Harlow (Oscar winner) and Leonard Engelman, the first governor of the branch makeup of the Board of the Academy of Arts and Sciences (director of the School from 2008-2010).
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

At any time our Graduates May Audit classes to refresh his Memory or meet our Director to review your portfolio. We have also received several notable Instructors and guest lecturers, such as: Craig Reardon (Four time Emmy Award Winner Neil (3 times), Oscar winner), Kevin Haney (Oscar winner)Kazuhiro Tsuji (2 times the premionominado Christien Tinsley (Oscar), Oscar nominated), Joel Harlow (Oscar winner) and Leonard Engelman, the first Governor of the branch of The Makeup of the Board of the Academy of Arts and Sciences (Director of the School from 2008 to 2010).
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..