Booking confirmation새창으로 메일 보기받은날짜: 15-09-22 (화) 02:07보낸사람 : 중요주소로 표시하기 Reservation - Catedral Seville 받는사람 : THE EXCMO. CABILDO METROPOLITANO DE S. I. CATHEDRAL OF SEVILLE GIVES THE PERMISSION FOR THE CULTURAL VISIT HAVING BEEN PROPERLY MANAGED ITS BOOK.Present this document when you perform the visit by attaching the proof of payment if he has made it directly in the system of reservations.Posted on Monday, September 21, 2015 - 6:07 pmSubmitted by user: mingo01@naver.comSent values:(Hidden) reservation number: 150922020650Type of book: IndividualGroup Admin.:Type of Group:Country students:Number of people: 1Date: 2015-10-04Hours:Document or seal of accreditation:(Hidden) user: 36567(Hidden) email: phone: + 821079799437(Blindly) country: Spain(Blindly) province: Sevilla(Hidden) contact person: BUMKYU SONGComments:(Hidden) reservation cost: 10(Hidden) payment:Will be able to pay for their inputs in the following way: directly at the box office of access before the visit, in the system of book online with credit card or by bank transfer/credit memo sending proof of payment by fax (954500813) or scanned by mail electronic ( so that it is registered as paid your reservation.Bank details are: CC IBAN: ES26 2100 7262 9922 00220427 LA caixa.If they make a reservation of type individual, not come indicated the time of the visit and can make it when suits inside you limit hours of visit cultural specific for that day by the gateway for groups the lizard (side of the Giralda tower) or.In individual stocks, it is not possible to select different ticket recommending the payment directly at the ticket office of access crediting any reduction or gratuity may be applied.STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS MUST BE COMPLIED WITH:Children under 14 accompanied by an adult aged proving your age by means of the original of an official identity document will get the free entrance.They may make the visit to the Cathedral, although for reasons set of cult, security or other circumstances, the Council reserves the right to close temporarily and without notice, specific areas of the route or the monument in its entirety.Access shall be made normally through the door of the lizard (along with the) Giralda) with the exception of that in low season or with little influx of visitors is done by individual access or door of the Prince (as opposed to the Archivo de Indias).The Cathedral is a sacred place, monument heritage, the largest and most visible building in the city which, moreover, is visited by numerous people for what is taken into account:1st the set entry must be before the ten minutes After the time set in this document.2 ° a Professor (or adult) responsible must accompany every 25 students at all times and in all places of the tour.3rd should be avoided at all times any action that may offend others persons or damage to the monumental site and/or its contents.4th is forbidden to eat or drink in all spaces, including the courtyard of Los Naranjos.5th is forbidden to throw any object type in the temple or by the the Giralda outside balconies.6º in case of contravention of any of the above rules, shall be suspended the visit the group immediately.7 ° the visits do not include Guide.Department visits of the Hon. Cabildo Metropolitano S. I. Cathedral of Sevilla.Phone: 902 099 692 - section 61-41080 Sevilla - Fax: 954-500-813Excmo. Council respects the legislation in the field of protection data of a personal nature, privacy, secrecy and security of the personal data in compliance with the organic law 15/1999 of 13 of December, adopting for this purpose technical and organizational measures necessary to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, access not authorized and theft of the personal data provided.
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