Luego de actuar en LV5 Radio Los Andes, en la provincia llegó durante una gira el dúo cómico Buono-Striano, que al escucharlo cantar, lo invitan a viajar por Buenos Aires para relacionarlo laboralmente con las principales figuras de las escena nacional. En 1939 apoyado por Hugo del Carril, junto a uno de sus hermanos, se instaló en la ciudad de Buenos Aires (capital del país). En la confitería "Paradise", local bailable que tenía dos secciones, conoció al músico Roberto Caló, con quien hizo varias pruebas (actualmente llamados castings), demostrándole sus condiciones para el canto, interpretando los tangos La mariposa, Cosas olvidadas, Martirio y La que murió en París. Tras la deserción del vocalista Mario Pomar, Miguel Caló lo integró en su orquesta tras la recomendación de su hermano, Roberto. Allí, actuó con Osmar Maderna, Domingo Federico, Armando Pontier, Raúl Kaplún y Enrique Mario Francini.
After acting in LV5 Radio Los Andes, in the province came during a tour the comic duo Buono-Striano, to hear him sing, inviting him to travel to Buenos Aires to work relate to the main figures of the national scene. In 1939 supported by Hugo de el Carril, along with one of his brothers, settled in the city of Buenos Aires (capital of the country). In confectionery "Paradise", dance venue that had two sections, met the musician Roberto Caló, with whom he made several tests (currently called castings), showing its conditions for singing, interpreting the tangos butterfly, forgotten things, martyrdom and which died in Paris. After the defection of the vocalist Mario Pomar, Miguel Caló integrated it into his Orchestra following the recommendation of his brother, Robert. There, she performed with Osmar Maderna, Domingo Federico, Armando Pontier, Raúl Kaplún and Enrique Mario Francini.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

After acting in LV5 Radio Los Andes in the province it came during a tour the comic duo Buono-Striano, who hear him sing, invite you to travel through Buenos Aires to relate the workforce with the main figures of the national scene. In 1939 supported by Hugo del Carril, along with one of his brothers, he moved to Buenos Aires (capital). In the confectionery "Paradise" dance club that had two sections, he met the musician Roberto Caló, who made several tests (currently called castings), showing the conditions for singing, playing tangos Butterfly, forgotten things, martyrdom and who died in Paris. After the defection of singer Mario Pomar, Miguel Caló integrated it into his orchestra following the recommendation of his brother, Roberto. There, he performed with Osmar Maderna, Domingo Federico, Armando Pontier, Raúl Kaplun and Enrique Mario Francini.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

After acting in LV5 Radio the Andes in the province reached during a Tour The Comic Duo Buono - Striano, to hear him Sing, I invite you to travel to Buenos Aires to relate to work with the main figures of the National scene. In 1939, supported by Hugo del carril, along with one of His Brothers, settled in the City of Buenos Aires (capital of the country).Confectionery in the "Paradise", local Dance that had two sections, met the Musician Roberto Calo, with whom he made several tests (NOW called castings), proving their singing, playing tangos Butterfly, Forgotten things, martyrdom and died in Paris. After the defection of vocalist Mario Pomar,Miguel Calo Integrated it into His Orchestra following the recommendation of his brother, Roberto. There, he acted with Osmar Maderna, Domingo Federico, Armando Pontier, Raul Kaplún and Enrique Mario Francini.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..