Es cosa generalmente reconocida que el hombre es animal social, y yo, que no concibo que las cosas puedan ser sino del modo que son, yo, que no creo que pueda suceder sino lo que sucede, no trato por consiguiente de negarlo. Puesto que vive en sociedad, social es sin duda. No pienso adherirme a la opinión de los escritores malhumorados que han querido probar que el hombre habla por una aberración, que su verdadera posición es la de los cuatro pies, y que comete un grave error en [buscarse] buscar y fabricarse todo género de comodidades, cuando pudiera pasar pendiente de las bellotas de una encina el mes, por ejemplo, en que vivimos. Hanse apoyado para mudar semejante opinión en que la sociedad le roba parte de su libertad, si no toda; pero tanto valdría decir que el frío no es cosa natural, porque incomoda. Lo más que concederemos a los abogados de la vida salvaje es que la sociedad es de todas las necesidades de la vida la peor: eso sí. Esta es una desgracia, pero en el mundo feliz que habitamos casi todas las desgracias son verdad; razón por la cual nos admiramos siempre que vemos tantas investigaciones para buscar ésta. A nuestro modo de ver no hay nada más fácil que encontrarla: allí donde está el mal, allí está la verdad. Lo malo es lo cierto. Sólo los bienes son ilusión.
Ahora bien: convencidos de que todo lo malo es natural y verdad, no nos costará gran trabajo probar que la sociedad es natural, y que el hombre nació por consiguiente social; no pudiendo impugnar la sociedad, no nos queda otro recurso que pintarla. De necesidad parece creer que al verse el hombre solo en el mundo, blanco inocente de la intemperie y de toda especie de carencias, trate de unir sus esfuerzos a los de su semejante para luchar contra sus enemigos, de los cuales el peor es la naturaleza entera; es decir, el que no puede evitar, el que por todas partes le rodea; que busque a su hermano (que así se llaman los hombres unos a otros, por burla sin duda) para pedirle su auxilio. De aquí podría deducirse que la sociedad es un cambio mutuo de servicios recíprocos. ¡Grave error!; es todo lo contrario: nadie concurre a la reunión para prestarle servicios, sino para recibirlos de ella; es un fondo común donde acuden todos a sacar, y donde nadie deja, sino cuando sólo puede tomar en virtud de permuta. La sociedad es, pues, un cambio mutuo de perjuicios recíprocos. Y el gran lazo que la sostiene es, por una incomprensible contradicción, aquello mismo que parecería destinado a disolverla; es decir, el egoísmo. Descubierto ya el estrecho vínculo que nos reune unos a otros en sociedad, excusado es probar dos verdades eternas, y por cierto consoladoras, que de él se deducen: primera, que la sociedad, tal cual es, es imperecedera, puesto que siempre nos necesitaremos unos a otros; segunda, que es franca, sincera y movida por sentimientos generosos, y en esto no cabe duda, puesto que siempre nos hemos de querer a nosotros mísmos más que a los otros...
It is generally recognized that the man is social animal, and myself, that I can not imagine that things may be but in the way that, I do not think that it will happen, but what happens, I do not treat accordingly denied. Since you live in society, it is certainly. I will not associate myself with the opinion of the petulant writers who wanted to prove that man speaks for an aberration, that his true position of four feet, and that is a grave mistake in [look] search and manufacture all kinds of amenities, when it could pass pending a Holm oak acorns month, for example, in which we live. Hanse supported for moving such opinion in that society steals part of their freedom, if not all; but both it would be better to say that the cold is not natural thing, because it bothers. As much as we will grant to wildlife advocates is that society is the worst of all the necessities of life: that Yes. This is a disgrace, but in the brave new world we inhabit nearly all misfortunes are true; reason why we admire whenever we see so many investigations to look for this. In our view there is nothing easier than to find it: where there is evil, there is the truth. The bad thing is the truth. Only goods are illusion. Now well: convinced that everything bad is natural and true, we will not cost great work prove that society is natural, and that man was born accordingly; not being able to challenge society, another resource that paint it is not us. Need seems to believe that to be the man in the world, white innocent of weather and all kinds of shortcomings, try his fellow unite efforts to fight against his enemies, the worst of which is the whole of nature; i.e., you cannot avoid, which everywhere surrounds him; to look for his brother (so men are called each other by derision no doubt) to ask for their support. Here it could be inferred that society is a mutual exchange of reciprocal services. Grave mistake!; It is just the opposite: no one attends the meeting to provide services, but to receive them; a mutual fund is where to go all out, and where nobody leaves, but when can only take under Exchange. The society is, therefore, a mutual change of reciprocal damage. And the great bond that holds it is by an incomprehensible contradiction, same what would seem destined to dissolve it; in other words, selfishness. Already discovered the close bond that brings some others in society, toilet is to test two eternal, and indeed comforting truths which are deducted from it: first, that society, that which is, is timeless, since we will always need each other; Second, to be frank, honest, and moved by generous feelings, and in this there is no doubt, since we always have of us to love ourselves more than the others...
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
It is generally recognized thing that man is a social animal, and I do not imagine that things can be , but the way they are, I do not think it could happen but what happens, do not try to deny it accordingly. Since living in society, it is certainly social. I will not adhere to the views of disgruntled writers who wanted to prove that man speaks for an aberration, that his true position is four feet, and who commits a grave error in [look] search and manufactured all kinds of amenities when he could pass pending an oak acorns month, for example, in which we live. Hanse such a view supported to move in that society steals some of their freedom, if not all; but it might as well say that the cold is not a natural thing, because uncomfortable. The most that will grant lawyers wildlife is that society is all the necessities of life worse though. This is a disgrace, but in the happy world we inhabit almost all misfortunes are true; why we wonder whenever we see so much research to find it. In our view there is nothing easier than to find it : where is evil, there is the truth. The bad thing is true. Only goods are illusion.
Now, convinced that everything bad is natural and really great work will cost us prove that society is natural, and that man was born for social therefore; unable to challenge the society, we have no recourse but to paint it . Need seems to believe that to be the only man in the world, innocent white of the weather and all sorts of shortcomings, try to join forces with his fellow man to fight his enemies, of which the worst is the nature whole; ie which can not help that everywhere around him; looking for his brother (for so men called each other, by mockery no doubt) to ask for his help. Hence it would appear that society is a mutual exchange of reciprocal services. Serious error !; It is the opposite: no one attends the meeting to provide services, but to receive it; It is a common background where everyone go out, and no one leaves, but when you can only take under swap. Society is therefore a mutual exchange of reciprocal damage. And the great bond that holds it is of an incomprehensible contradiction, the very thing that seems destined to dissolve; ie selfishness. Already discovered the close link which unites us to one another in society, outhouse is to test two eternal truths, and certainly consoling, which he deduced: first, that society as it is, is imperishable, because we always need another; second, which it is frank, sincere and moved by generous sentiments, and this no doubt, since we have always loving ourselves more than the others ...
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
It is generally recognized that man is a social animal, and I do not believe that things could be the way you are, I Don"t think I can happen but what happens, therefore, not trying to deny it. Since social lives in Society, is without doubt. I Don"t Subscribe to the view of Writers, who wanted to prove that the man Speaks for an aberration, The True position is the four feet, and makes a serious mistake in [be] Search and manufactured all kinds of comforts, when Slope could spend a month Oak acorns. For example, in which we live. Hanse supported to move such opinion that society steals some of their freedom, if not all, but it would be to say that the cold is not a natural thing, because it makes you uncomfortable. Most of our lawyers to Wildlife is that society is all life needs the worst: yes. This is a disgrace, but in the Brave New World We inhabit almost all the misfortunes are true; why we always admire you see so many investigations to find it. In our view there is nothing easier than to find it: where there is evil, there is truth. Wrong Is Right. The property is only Illusion.Now convinced that everything Bad is natural and true, it won"t work to prove that the society is natural, and that the man was therefore unable to challenge the Social Society, we have no other recourse to Paint it. Of necessity seems to believe that to be the only Man in the World, Innocent White from the weather and all kind of shortcomings, try to combine their efforts with those of others to fight against his enemies, of which the worst is the whole of Nature; that is to say, you can"t avoid, which everywhere around him; for his brother (who are called men ridicule each other, no doubt) to ask for your help. It might be inferred that the society is a mutual exchange of reciprocal Services. Serious Error! ; the opposite is true: No One attends the meeting to provide services, but to receive it; it is a Common Fund where all get, and where no one leaves, but only can take under permutation. The Society is therefore a mutual exchange of Mutual Harm. And The Bond that holds is incomprehensible, for a contradiction, that which seems to dissolve; i.e., selfishness. Already discovered the close link that brings us together each other in Society, toilet is Testing two Eternal Truths, and a COMFORTING, it deducted: First, the Society, as is, is immortal, because we always need each other; Second, that is honest, sincere and motivated by generous Feelings, and in this there is No Doubt, because we always want us to Prize more than the other.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..