Nacido en la ciudad de San Juan, su padre falleció cuando él era muy pequeño, por lo que sufrió problemas económicos con su madre y sus cinco hermanos. Ayudados por su abuela, tuvo que trabajar desde temprana edad, al igual que su hermano mayor.
Born in the city of San Juan, his father died when he was very small, so it suffered economic problems with her mother and five siblings. Aided by her grandmother, had to work from an early age, like his older brother.
Born in San Juan, his father died when he was very young, so it suffered financial problems with his mother and five siblings. Helped by his grandmother, he had to work from an early age, like his older brother.
Born in the City of San Juan, his father died when he was very small, so suffered economic problems with his mother and five siblings. Aided by his grandmother, had to work from an early age, like his older brother.