Todo cambio, adicion o modificacion de cualquiera de las clausulas o s 번역 - Todo cambio, adicion o modificacion de cualquiera de las clausulas o s 영어 말하는 방법

Todo cambio, adicion o modificacion

Todo cambio, adicion o modificacion de cualquiera de las clausulas o secciones que conforman la totatidad de este SUBCONTRATO, que acuerden las partes que le finnan, debera constar por escrito, por duplicado y firmado por los representantes legates de cada una de ellas.
Ambas partes, expresamente renuncian a su derecho de considerar o invocar la novacion al mismo, por virtud de cualquier modificacion en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones a cargo de cada una de ellas en la ejecucion del presente instrumento.
Cualquier aviso, demanda, notiffcacion o requerimiento que deban hacerse las partes que intervienen en la firma de este SUBCONTRATO, o bien. cualquier otra -conexion relacionada con este, debera ser por escrito y con el acuse de recibo correspondiente, entregandoseen mano a los domicilios senalados en el capitulo de Declaraciones del presente SUBCONTRATO otorgadas por cada una de las partes, o bien por medios electronicos con la debida confirmacion de recepcion del destinatario y se considerara que han sido entregados y recibidos, haste el momento en que la parte receptora expresamente acuse de recibo la notificacion.
Las partes acuerdan dado el supuesto de la presente seccion a:
i. Que el presente SUBCONTRATO se regira e interpretara de conformidad con las leyes vigentes en el Distrito Federal;
ii. Todo litigio, controversia o reclamacion de cualquier tipo y bajo cualquier fundamento que llegare a surgir entre los firmantes, con motivo de la
interpretacion, cumplimiento y ejecucion dei presente SUBCONTRATO, las partes se obligan a llegar a una negociacion oportuna y de buena fe, con ei fin de una amigable resoiucion;
iii. Dado el caso que no se llegare a la amigable resoluci6n referida en el inciso que antecede, en un periodo de 05 (cinco) dias naturates contados a partir del inicio de la citada controversia, litigio o reclamacion, las partes de comun acuerdo se someteran a los Tribunales con competencia en el Distrito Federal renunciando a cuaiquier otro fuero que por razon de sus domicilios presentes o futuros pudiera corresponderles.
Leido que es el presente SUBCONTRATO, y enteradas las partes del-contenido y alcance legal de todas y cada una de las clausulas que lo conforman, lo firman de absoluta conformidad en la Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal el dia 14 de julio de 2015.


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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Any change, addition or modification of any of you clauses or sections that make up the totatidad of this SUBCONTRACT, which agreed by the parties that you finnan, shall be in writing, in duplicate and signed by the legates of each representatives.Both parties, expressly renounce their right to consider or invoke the novation to it, by virtue of any change in the performance of the duties carried out by each of them in the execution of this instrument.SECTION 22.5.-ALERTS AND NOTIFICATIONS.Any notice, demand, notiffcacion or other that must become the parties involved in the signing of this SUBCONTRACT, either. any other - connection related to this, must be in writing and the acknowledgement of receipt, entregandoseen hand to the accordance homes in the chapter of this SUBCONTRACT statements issued by each of the parties, or by electronic means with due confirmation of receipt of the recipient and deemed that they have been delivered and received, until the moment in which the receiving party expressly acknowledges the notification.22.6 SECTION. RESOLUTION of CONTROVERSIAL and JURISDICClON,The parties agree given the course of the present section a:i. that this SUBCONTRACT shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Federal District;II. any dispute, controversy or claim whatsoever and under any basis on which changes to arise among the signatories, on the occasion of theinterpretation, compliance and enforcement dei this SUBCONTRACT, the parties are obliged to reach a timely negotiation and in good faith, with the end of a friendly resoiucion ei;III. given the case that no changes to the friendly resoluci6n referred in the paragraph that precedes, in a period of 05 (five) days naturates counted from the start of the aforementioned controversy, dispute or claim, the parts of common agreement is subject to jurisdiction in Federal District Court to renouncing any other jurisdiction that could correspond to them by reason of their present or future domiciles.Read that is this SUBCONTRACT, and aware of the parts of the content and legal scope of all and each one of clauses that make it up, sign it in absolute accordance in Mexico City, Federal District day July 14, 2015.BY MR DARIO ROURA DOVAL BY THE MR AUGUSTO FERNANDO CABRERA MC. GREGOR
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Any change, addition or modification of any of the clauses or sections that make up the totatidad of this subcontract, agreed by the parties that Finnan him, shall be in writing, in duplicate and signed by the legates representatives of each of them.
Both sides expressly waive their right to invoke consider or novation to it, by virtue of any modification in meeting the obligations of each in the implementation of this instrument.
SECTION 22.5.-WARNINGS AND Notifications.-
any notice, demand, or requirement notiffcation to be made ​​the parties involved in the signing of this subcontract, either. -Free any other related to this, must be in writing and with confirmation of receipt, entregandoseen hand to those addresses in the chapter of this SUBLICENSE statements issued by each of the parties, or by electronic means with due confirmation of receipt of the recipient and be deemed to have been delivered and received, haste when the receiving party expressly acknowledge the notification.
The parties agree given the assumption of this section to:
i. That this SUBLICENSE be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Federal District;
ii. Any dispute, controversy or claim of any kind and under any basis which has come to arise between the signatories, in connection with the
interpretation, compliance and execution dei this SUBLICENSE, the parties undertake to reach a timely negotiation and good faith ei to a friendly resoiucion;
iii. In the event that the friendly resoluci6n referred do not result in the preceding paragraph, in a period of five (05) days naturates days from the beginning of that controversy, dispute or claim, the parties by mutual agreement shall be submitted to the courts with jurisdiction in the Federal District renouncing cuaiquier other jurisdiction that by reason of their present or future domiciles may apply.
Leido is this subcontract and aware parts-content and legal scope of each and every one of the clauses that comprise it , the sign of absolute conformity in Mexico City, Federal District on 14th July 2015

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Any change, addition or Modification of any of the clauses or sections of the totatidad this sub contract agreed by the Parties, which shall be recorded in writing, Finnan, duplicate and Legates signed by representatives of each of them.Both parties expressly waive their right to invoke the same Novation or by virtue of any modification in the fulfilment of the obligations on each of them in the implementation of this instrument.Section 22.5. - - Alerts and notifications.Any notice, request or demand, notiffcacion require the parties involved in the signing of this Contract, either. - any other connection related to this, must be in writing and the acknowledgement of receipt entregandoseen hand to homes that were noted in the chapter of statements of this subcontract awarded by each of the Parties, or by electronic means, with due acknowledgement of the recipient and will be deemed to have been delivered and received until the time that the receiving party expressly acknowledgement of receipt of the notification.Section 22.6. Resolution of controversial and jurisdicclon,The parties agree that given the Assumption of this Section:I. the present Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws in force in the Federal District;II. Any dispute, controversy or claim of any kind and any basis that will arise among the signatories, with theInterpretation, fulfillment and execution of this Agreement, the Parties undertake to reach a timely negotiation in good faith, with the end of a friendly resoiucion;III. given the case that is not friendly to the resolution referred to in subparagraph above, in a period of naturates 05 (Five) days counted from the beginning of the Controversy, dispute or claim, the Parties by Mutual Agreement shall be subject to the courts with jurisdiction in the Federal District, renouncing any other jurisdiction by reason of their present or future domiciles may apply.Read what the present subcontract, and when the parts of the content and legal scope of each and every one of the clauses that make up the sign of absolute Conformity in Mexico City, Federal District, on the 14th of July 2015.By Mr. Dario Roura DovalBy Mr. Augusto Fernando Cabrera mc.gregor
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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