Aprenderás las últimas técnicas en maquillaje y visagismo para poder trabajar en el mundo de la moda, como maquillador en pasarela y fotografía, y en los medios audiovisuales, publicidad, cine y televisión, además de trabajar como maquillador social, en eventos y para novias, o como consultor de belleza en firmas cosméticas.
You will learn the latest techniques in makeup and visagism to work in the world of fashion, as a makeup artist in fashion and photography, and in audiovisual media, advertising, film and television, in addition to working as social makeup, at events and for brides, or as a consultant of beauty in cosmetic companies.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

You will learn the latest techniques in makeup and visagism to work in the fashion world, as a makeup artist on the catwalk and photography, and in the media, advertising, film and television, as well as working as a social makeup, events and girlfriends, or beauty consultant in cosmetic firms.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..